Highlights of 2017

As 2017 draws to a close, it’s time for us to look back and reflect on the highlights of the past year…

A particular highpoint for us was our move to new, bigger, premises in Milton Keynes. This has allowed us to maximise our efficiency and maintain the excellent service that you, our customers, have come to expect from Mechline, and stands us in good stead for an even better 2018!

From our new headquarters we have launched our brand new BaSix range of hand wash stations, designed to promote optimal hygiene practise with minimal fuss – easy to install, use and clean. Only launched in November, the range has already been recognised by Foodservice Equipment Journal (FEJ) as one of their products of the year in their design-led category. This adds to the other accolade achieved this year for Light Equipment, Accessories and Spares, awarded to us in the CEDA Supplier Awards.

Positive reaction has come not only from the UK market, but internationally too. This year we attended our first HOST show in Milan, where our range of products attracted quite a bit of attention. Made up of sixteen halls and hosting 187,602 professionals from 177 countries, it was a significant event for all areas in the food industry and one that was fantastic to be a part of.

It really has been a great year, with lots of fun had along the way. We have particularly enjoyed running our customer competitions, i.e. the Crazy Coloured Egg Hunt Eggtravaganza and Harvest Hamper Giveaway, and have received some brilliant feedback. The frolics are set to continue throughout 2018, and are already underway with the Mechline super in situ shot competition.

Aside from the ‘day job’, at Mechline we like to get involved with both local and national good causes. As a company we support a nominated charity each month, but sometimes our staff want to go over and above this. This year Andy Coutlhard and Peter Galliford completed the Hospitality Action Sportive 102 mile charity bike ride for the industry charity; Becky Silvestri walked the Midnight Moo 10 mile walk for Willen Hospice; and John Towersey completed the Three Peaks Challenge in aid of Meningitis Now – all amazing feats!

It has certainly been an action packed year, and that’s without even mentioning the redesign of our website homepage, the successful completion of a 2-year GreasePak trial with Southern Water, or our hosting of the CEDA academy…

We look forward to seeing what the year ahead holds and hope that 2018 will be a prosperous year for you all!

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