Had a letter from your water company?
If you have had a letter from your water company requesting you install or change your FOGS management equipment please contact us. We are here to guide you and make sure you make the right decisions for your business.
The various water company initiatives are all about raising awareness to address the issue directly to the operators, to make clear the legal and best practice responsibilities and to stimulate an active response and continual best practice programme.
Water companies do not have any right of access to a foodservice establishment to evaluate or control FOGS management systems or processes. However, there is a requirement for the operator to comply with legislation that makes them responsible for a blockage to a sewer as a result of discharges from their establishment.
Water Companies are active in seeking to identify the causes of sewer blockages and can take action against businesses whose effluent causes this.
The WIA 1991 confers on water and sewerage companies (WSCs) in England and Wales powers to deal with sewer issues “in the sewer”. The offence under Section 111 of the WIA 1991 relates to a blockage etc. caused “in the sewer” and does not relate to activities or processes prior to entry to the sewer. The enforcement powers of WSCs only relate to blockages to the sewer. WSCs do have an advisory role regarding items likely to cause blockages and are entitled to express a view as to their preferred FOGS management systems. These are advisory only and no enforcement powers attach to them.
An end user, business owner or operator can implement such FOGS management systems and equipment as they decide are appropriate to their business to effectively prevent the discharge of FOGS which may impede or block public sewer flows.
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