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Making the workplace safe
The UK Government are advising employers across all industries on ways to create a safe workplace for their workforce, and the focus is very much on social distancing, frequent cleaning and increased hygiene measures.
In current draft guidance, all workplaces across the UK are advised to increase the number of entry points and to provide handwashing facilities at all entrances and exits. On top of this, restaurants and hotels are being told to enhance cleaning and provide signage on good hygiene practices.
Mechline offer a range of hygienic solutions to help all workplaces become safer environments and Covid-19 compliant.
This includes hands-free hand wash basins, soap dispensers, electronic taps, a conversion kit to convert existing basins into hands-free solutions, and our award-winning revolutionary air and surface sanitiser u2013 HyGenikx.
Please contact us to see how our products can get your business back to work.
The UKu2019s emergence from the coronavirus lockdown will be slower and more gradual than its entry into it. It will not be business as usual u2013 but it can be business with safety measures in place! In draft proposals for getting businesses back to work, the UK Government are advising employers across all industries on ways to create a safe workplace for their workforce.

Handwashing facilities
In this guidanceu00a0all workplacesu00a0are advised to increase the number of entry points and to provide handwashing facilities atu00a0all entrances and exits. On top of this, restaurants and hotels are being told to enhance cleaning and provide signage on good hygiene practices.
We all know that thorough and frequent handwashing is central to preventing and slowing the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Although Coronavirus is a respiratory illness, mostly spread through virus-laden droplets, it can survive on surfaces for several days if the conditions are right u2013 and can thereforeu00a0quickly and easily spread to and from peopleu2019s hands.
How to effectively wash your hands
One of the easiest ways to protect yourself and others from illnesses such as flu is simply by washing your hands (NHS). The best way to wash hands effectively is with soap and running water, for 20 seconds, ensuring that all areas, including the palm, back of hand, between fingers and under nails are targeted.
Andu00a0soap is REALLY important! As explained by writer Sara Rigby at Science Focus, Coronavirus has an outer layer made up from molecules with water-loving (hydrophilic) heads u2013 which is why water alone is not effective at killing coronavirus. These water loving heads are also u201cstickyu201d and very effective at clinging onto hands. Soap molecules are similar to the outer layer of coronavirus, and therefore can disrupt its outer shell. This results in the virus being exposed,u00a0enabling it to be dissolved in the running water.u00a0
Hands should also be dried as thoroughly as they are washed, preferably with a disposable paper towel, asu00a0germs spread more easily from wet hands than they do dry hands (unicef).

Reduce cross-contamination
It is important what people do after they wash their hands too u2013 and more specifically what is touched.u00a0With manual taps, the action of turning a tap on requires touching the tap lever or handle with dirty hands, and then revisiting the same lever or handle with clean hands to turn it offu2014which could re-contaminate them! Similarly touching doorknobs, and other common touchpoints could be problematic.
One way to reduce the potential of cross contaminationu00a0is by reducing the need to touch taps.u00a0Hand-free taps and wash basinsu00a0can maximise user hygiene and food safety, by removing the need for manual contact and preventing the spread of germs by hand. [basix, delabie]
The location and number of washbasins should also be considered, to minimise the potential for social contact and number of shared touchpoints, as potential sources of contamination.